Today we explore methods for comparing continuous models of trait evolution. Many ‘classic’ macroevolutionary hypotheses are based on a particular model of trait change: does the trait evolve rapidly or slowly? Does a trait evolve faster in one sub-lineage as compared to another? Does trait variation evolve quickly early in the history of a lineage? Does a trait evolve to one or more phenotypic optima?
All of these questions can be addressed by fitting different evolutionary models to the data, and determining which displays the highest support. The approach falls squarely in statistical Model Comparison methods, where the fit of different models is obtained, and evaluated using various approaches: likelihood ratio tests (LRT) and AIC comparisons being the most common.
IMPORTANT STATISTICAL NOTE: Statistical model comparison is of the form: \(Y=X\beta + E\), where the data are fit to different \(X\) variables (i.e., differing explanatory hypotheses). With evolutionary model comparison, all models are the algebraic form: \(Y=1\beta + E\), but where \(E\) is modeled using different expected covariance structures (BM, OU1, etc.). Thus the latter fits different error structures to an intercept model, rather than comparing the fit of the data to differing explanatory variables (see Adams and Collyer 2018; 2019).
Today we will use data from the following files:
Additionally, The R-script for running the code found in this tutorial is found here:
As before, on your local computer, place them in a folder named ‘TutorialData’, which is found in the same directory as this tutorial.
Here we explore methods for fitting evolutionary models to continuous characters. First, we bring our data into R:
## Loading required package: ape
## Loading required package: maps
## Loading required package: corpcor
## Loading required package: nloptr
## Loading required package: RColorBrewer
group<-read.csv('../data/', row.names=1, header=TRUE,colClasses=c('factor'))
gp<-as.factor(t(group)); names(gp)<-row.names(group)
svl<-read.csv('../data/anole.svl2.csv', row.names=1, header=TRUE)
svl<-as.matrix(treedata(phy = tree,data = svl, warnings=FALSE)$data)[,1] #match data to tree
##BM plot data
tree.col<-contMap(tree,svl,plot=FALSE) #runs Anc. St. Est. on branches of tree
#PLOT data
tree.col<-contMap(tree,svl,plot=FALSE) #runs Anc. St. Est. on branches of tree
Here we see our phylogeny with the continuous body size character (SVL) mapped to the branches, and displayed as a heat map. We also have several groups that define habitat use (ecomorphs). These are displayed at the tips of the phylogeny.
A useful null model of evolutionary change is Brownian motion. For continuous characters, this is considered a neutral model, in the sense that there is no selection included: it simply represents random perturbations of the trait over time. This is akin to what might be expected under random genetic drift. The model assumes that changes are independent from time step to time step, so variance increases over time, but the mean does not change. An example is below:
nsim <- 100
t <- 0:100 # time
sig2 <- 0.005
X <- matrix(rnorm(n = nsim * (length(t) - 1), sd = sqrt(sig2)), nsim, length(t) - 1)
X <- cbind(rep(0, nsim), t(apply(X, 1, cumsum)))
plot(t, X[1, ], xlab = "time", ylab = "phenotype", ylim = c(-2, 2), type = "l")
apply(X[2:nsim, ], 1, function(x, t) lines(t, x), t = t)
Many phylogenetic comparative methods (PCMs) for continuous trait data have Brownian motion as their underlying model. For instance, methods for phylogenetic regression (phylogenetically independent contrasts, phylogenetic generalized least squares, phylogenetic transform), and methods for ancestral state estimation of continuous data (maximum likelihood, squared change parsimony) are all based on the Brownian model.
To fit this model and many others in R we can use the fitContinuous()
This function fits various models of continuous character evolution to trees. This function has many parameters but we’ll be using the following ones:
Brownian motion"OU"
Early burst"lambda"
Early BurstThis function returns the fit model with parameter estimates and summary statistics. Some elements of interest are:
fit.BM1<-fitContinuous(tree, svl, model="BM") #Brownian motion model
## GEIGER-fitted comparative model of continuous data
## fitted 'BM' model parameters:
## sigsq = 0.018223
## z0 = 4.053507
## model summary:
## log-likelihood = 5.256010
## AIC = -6.512019
## AICc = -6.360121
## free parameters = 2
## Convergence diagnostics:
## optimization iterations = 100
## failed iterations = 0
## number of iterations with same best fit = 100
## frequency of best fit = 1.00
## object summary:
## 'lik' -- likelihood function
## 'bnd' -- bounds for likelihood search
## 'res' -- optimization iteration summary
## 'opt' -- maximum likelihood parameter estimates
Notice that fitting the data to the phylogeny under the BM1 model provides the likelihood of that fit, its corresponding AIC (and AICc), as well as the parameters of the Brownian motion model: the rate parameter (sigma2), which describes the pace of evolutionary change (how fast the trait evolves along the phylogeny), and the phylogenetic mean (the estimate at the root of the phylogeny).
Many times, a more realistic model is one containing both selection and drift. This may be found in an OU model. Here, the drift parameter remains, but there is also a selective ‘pull’ towards an optimum. The further the trait value is from the optimum, the stronger the pull. One can view the consequences of this model with the following simulations: first where the starting value and the optimum are the same (demonstrates the constraining force of the OU), and second when the starting value and optimum are not the same:
#from Lars Shmitz tutorial:
OU.sim <- function(n, theta, alpha, sigma,x0){
dw <- rnorm(n, 0)
x <- c(x0)
for (i in 2:(n+1)) {
x[i] <- x[i-1] + alpha*(theta-x[i-1]) + sigma*dw[i-1]
OU1.sim1 <- replicate(100, OU.sim(n=100, theta=0.5, alpha=0.5, sigma=0.03, x0=0.5), simplify=FALSE) #No change
OU1.sim2 <- replicate(100, OU.sim(n=100, theta=0.75, alpha=0.5, sigma=0.03, x0=0.25), simplify=FALSE) #start and theta differ
par(mfcol = c(1, 2))
plot(OU1.sim1[[1]],xlab = "time", ylab = "phenotype", ylim = c(0,1), type = "l")
for(i in 2:100){lines(OU1.sim1[[i]])}
plot(OU1.sim2[[1]],xlab = "time", ylab = "phenotype", ylim = c(0,1), type = "l")
for(i in 2:100){lines(OU1.sim2[[i]])}
par(mfcol = c(1,1))
Notice the impotant components of the OU model as illustrated here. First, unlike BM where variation increases proportional to time, the OU model displays ‘constrained’ variation over time. This is because of the ‘pull’ of selection to the optimum. Second, if the starting value differs from the optimum, there is a shift of the mean over time. This further illustrates the power of selection in this model. To fit an OU1 model for our data, we do the following:
fit.OU1<-fitContinuous(tree, svl,model="OU") #OU1 model
## GEIGER-fitted comparative model of continuous data
## fitted 'OU' model parameters:
## alpha = 0.000000
## sigsq = 0.018227
## z0 = 4.053503
## model summary:
## log-likelihood = 5.258507
## AIC = -4.517014
## AICc = -4.209321
## free parameters = 3
## Convergence diagnostics:
## optimization iterations = 100
## failed iterations = 44
## number of iterations with same best fit = NA
## frequency of best fit = NA
## object summary:
## 'lik' -- likelihood function
## 'bnd' -- bounds for likelihood search
## 'res' -- optimization iteration summary
## 'opt' -- maximum likelihood parameter estimates
As before, the logL, AIC, and parameter estimates are returned. Armed with these, one may compare the OU1 fit to the null-model BM1. This is accomplished using either using a likelihood ratio test (LRT), or by comparing AIC values (recall a difference > 4 is usually treated as supporting the alternative model).
LRT<- -(2*(fit.BM1$opt$lnL-fit.OU1$opt$lnL))
prob<-pchisq(LRT, 1, lower.tail=FALSE)
## [1] 0.004994324
## [1] 0.94366
## [1] -6.512019
## [1] -4.517014
Here we find that under the OU1 model, the fit of the data to the phylogeny is not significantly improved. Thus we prefer the simpler model.
There are many alternative models that can be envisioned; many of which are easily implemented. In the category of ‘single group’ models, several common ones include:
Models 2,3, and 4 are accomplished by adjusting the branch lengths of the phylogeny in some manner. As before, models are fit and then compared using AIC.
fit.BMtrend<-fitContinuous(tree, svl, model="trend") #Brownian motion with a trend
fit.EB<-fitContinuous(tree, svl, model="EB") #Early-burst model
fit.lambda<-fitContinuous(tree, svl,
bounds = list(lambda = c(min = exp(-5), max = 2)), model="lambda") #Lambda model
fit.K<-fitContinuous(tree, svl, model="kappa") #Early-burst model
#Examine AIC
## [1] -6.512019 -6.981431 -7.235181 -5.517514 -4.517014
#NOTE: none of these generate dAIC > 4. So go with simplest model (BM1)
The above evolutionary models all assume that the taxa belong to a single ‘group.’ However, there may be more than one evolutionary optimum, and species may be evolving towards these optima. This requires and OUM approach (multi-group OU model). By convention, groups are referred to as regimes. The first step is to assign branches to regimes; commonly known as ‘painting’ the regimes on the tree. This may be done using some explicit biological hypothesis (e.g., ancestral branches are assumed to be one phenotype, while extant taxa belong to one or more groups). Alternatively, one may use ancestral state estimation to assign ancestral regimes, and then assign branches based on these and some rule of state change. Several examples of both are in Butler & King (2004).
Another approach is to use stochastic mapping, which is used here. We can fit multi-group OU models using the OUwie()
This function fits various OU models to trees. We’ll primarily be using this function to model regime shifts, each with their own OU parameters and dynamics, as such we won’t go over all the parameters but only the ones relevant for our goals
object, the output from make.simmap()
. See the ancestral state estimation tutorial for guidance on how to make a simmap. Essentially, it simulates some changing regime on the phylogeny."BM1"
Brownian motion"BMS"
Brownian motion with each regime having a different rate parameter"OU1"
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck with each regime having a different optimum"OUMV"
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck with each regime having a different optimum and different rateThis function returns the fit model with parameter estimates and summary statistics. Some elements of interest are:
data<-data.frame(Genus_species=names(svl),Reg=gp,X=svl) #input data.frame for OUwie
tree.simmap<-make.simmap(tree,gp) # perform & plot stochastic maps (we would normally do this x100)
## make.simmap is sampling character histories conditioned on
## the transition matrix
## Q =
## CG GB TC TG Tr Tw
## CG -0.05727128 0.02402041 0.03325087 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
## GB 0.02402041 -0.20033484 0.04238120 0.06009264 0.01341265 0.06042794
## TC 0.03325087 0.04238120 -0.13585957 0.00000000 0.02427593 0.03595157
## TG 0.00000000 0.06009264 0.00000000 -0.06009264 0.00000000 0.00000000
## Tr 0.00000000 0.01341265 0.02427593 0.00000000 -0.03768858 0.00000000
## Tw 0.00000000 0.06042794 0.03595157 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.09637951
## (estimated using likelihood);
## and (mean) root node prior probabilities
## pi =
## CG GB TC TG Tr Tw
## 0.1666667 0.1666667 0.1666667 0.1666667 0.1666667 0.1666667
## Done.
## no colors provided. using the following legend:
## CG GB TC TG Tr Tw
## "black" "#DF536B" "#61D04F" "#2297E6" "#28E2E5" "#CD0BBC"
## Initializing...
## Finished. Begin thorough search...
## Finished. Summarizing results.
## Initializing...
## Finished. Begin thorough search...
## Finished. Summarizing results.
## Initializing...
## Finished. Begin thorough search...
## Finished. Summarizing results.
## Fit
## lnL AIC AICc BIC model ntax
## 5.256014 -6.512028 -6.36013 -1.69859 BM1 82
## Rates
## alpha sigma.sq
## NA 0.01822168
## Optima
## 1
## estimate 4.0535069
## se 0.1009994
## Arrived at a reliable solution
## Fit
## lnL AIC AICc BIC model ntax
## 5.25601 -4.512021 -4.204328 2.708137 OU1 82
## Rates
## alpha sigma.sq
## 0.000000001 0.018223440
## Optima
## 1
## estimate 4.0535069
## se 0.1010043
## Half life (another way of reporting alpha)
## alpha
## 693147181
## Arrived at a reliable solution
fitOUM #OUM is strongly preferred (examine AIC)
## Fit
## lnL AIC AICc BIC model ntax
## 39.36652 -62.73304 -60.76044 -43.47929 OUM 82
## Rates
## CG GB TC TG Tr Tw
## alpha 0.27521974 0.27521974 0.27521974 0.27521974 0.27521974 0.27521974
## sigma.sq 0.01623802 0.01623802 0.01623802 0.01623802 0.01623802 0.01623802
## Optima
## CG GB TC TG Tr Tw
## estimate 5.8659001 3.73723424 4.2389072 4.25088507 3.7734415 4.0750891
## se 0.1511051 0.05473244 0.1025593 0.08680096 0.1952303 0.1157977
## Half life (another way of reporting alpha)
## CG GB TC TG Tr Tw
## 2.518523 2.518523 2.518523 2.518523 2.518523 2.518523
## Arrived at a reliable solution
#How it SHOULD be run
#trees.simmap<-make.simmap(tree = tree,x = gp,nsim = 100) # 100 simmaps
#fitOUM.100<-lapply(1:100, function(j) OUwie(trees.simmap[[j]],data,model="OUM",simmap.tree=TRUE))
#OUM.AIC<-unlist(lapply(1:100, function(j) fitOUM.100[[j]]$AIC))
#abline(v=fitBM1$AIC, lwd=2) #add value for BM1
Remember that the ancestral state estimation we maded with the make.simmap()
function only recreates one possible state history given our discrete trait evolution model when in reality there are infinitely many histories that could generate our data! Here you will try to fit the various models in OUwie with different simmaps to see whether our results are robust to different ancestral state estimates.
function. NOTE you can do this either in a for
loop or by modifying the nsim
argument in the make.simmap()
function itself.OUwie()
function to fit the ‘BM1’, ‘OU1’, and ’OUM` models to the simmapAlternatively, there may be multiple rates across the phylogeny. For example, one may wish to test the hypothesis that trait evolution is faster in one group as compared to another (e.g., Do traits evolve faster in island taxa than mainland taxa?). Again groups are assigned, BM1 model and BMM models are fit to the data, and compared using LRT and AIC.
As was done for OU models, we can fit the multi-BM model with the OUwie()
function by using the argument model="BMS"
(in this case, BMS
refers to Brownian Motion for each State).
# 3A: BM1 vs BMM: Comparing evolutionary rates
tree.simmap<-make.simmap(tree,gp) # perform & plot stochastic maps (we would normally do this x100)
## make.simmap is sampling character histories conditioned on
## the transition matrix
## Q =
## CG GB TC TG Tr Tw
## CG -0.05727128 0.02402041 0.03325087 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
## GB 0.02402041 -0.20033484 0.04238120 0.06009264 0.01341265 0.06042794
## TC 0.03325087 0.04238120 -0.13585957 0.00000000 0.02427593 0.03595157
## TG 0.00000000 0.06009264 0.00000000 -0.06009264 0.00000000 0.00000000
## Tr 0.00000000 0.01341265 0.02427593 0.00000000 -0.03768858 0.00000000
## Tw 0.00000000 0.06042794 0.03595157 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.09637951
## (estimated using likelihood);
## and (mean) root node prior probabilities
## pi =
## CG GB TC TG Tr Tw
## 0.1666667 0.1666667 0.1666667 0.1666667 0.1666667 0.1666667
## Done.
BMM.res<-OUwie(tree.simmap,data,model="BMS",simmap.tree = TRUE)
## Initializing...
## Finished. Begin thorough search...
## Finished. Summarizing results.
## Fit
## lnL AIC AICc BIC model ntax
## 27.10382 -40.20764 -38.69413 -23.36061 BMS 82
## Rates
## CG GB TC TG Tr Tw
## alpha NA NA NA NA NA NA
## sigma.sq 0.1266219 0.01296043 0.02175058 0.005944775 0.001073071 0.001149187
## Optima
## CG GB TC TG Tr Tw
## estimate 3.92405727 3.92405727 3.92405727 3.92405727 3.92405727 3.92405727
## se 0.07896232 0.07896232 0.07896232 0.07896232 0.07896232 0.07896232
## Arrived at a reliable solution
The above multi-group methods (OUM and BMM) are * a priori* methods, in that groups are pre-defined by the evolutionary biologist, and hypotheses tested based on those pre-specified groups. An alternative is to mine the data to identify regions on the phylogeny where putative rate shifts are most evident. Two MCMC Bayesian approaches have been proposed for this (Revell et al. 2012: Eastman et al. 2011). These methods are highly exploratory, and are found in the functions ‘evol.rate.mcmc’ in phytools, and the function ‘’ in geiger .
# 3B: Identifying rate shifts on phylogeny
#Bayesian MCMC: single rate shift (Revell et al. 2012: Evol.)
BM.MCMC<-evol.rate.mcmc(tree=tree,x=svl, quiet=TRUE)
## Starting MCMC run....
## Done MCMC run.
post.splits<-minSplit(tree,BM.MCMC$mcmc) #summarize<-posterior.evolrate(tree=tree,mcmc=BM.MCMC$mcmc,tips = BM.MCMC$tips,ave.shift = post.splits)
#Plot rescaled to rates
ave.rates(tree,post.splits,extract.clade(tree, node=post.splits$node)$tip.label,
colMeans(["sig1"], colMeans(["sig2"],post.splits)
## $sig1
## [1] 0.01755507
## $sig2
## [1] 0.04166577
#Reversible-jump MCMC: multiple rate shifts (Eastman et al. 2011: Evol.)
BM.RJMC< = tree,dat = svl)
## . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
## proposed accepted adoptrate
## mergesplit 9765 2 0.0002
## rootstate 1226 199 0.1623
## ratetune 95 18 0.1895
## moveshift 87 33 0.3793
## ratescale 8950 4529 0.5060
## movejump 9691 2469 0.2548
## incjump 4899 1641 0.3350
## decjump 4777 1636 0.3425
## jumpvar 8697 6150 0.7071
## SE 1813 639 0.3525
#Run again for plotting
r <- paste(sample(letters,9,replace=TRUE),collapse=""), dat=svl, prop.width=1.5, ngen=20000, samp=500, filebase=r, simple.start=TRUE, type="rbm")
## . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
## proposed accepted adoptrate
## mergesplit 5572 15 0.0027
## rootstate 701 107 0.1526
## ratetune 5655 807 0.1427
## moveshift 4683 1491 0.3184
## ratescale 2351 784 0.3335
## movejump 0 0 0.0000
## incjump 0 0 0.0000
## decjump 0 0 0.0000
## jumpvar 0 0 0.0000
## SE 1038 347 0.3343
## $method
## [1] "direct"
## $rate.lim
## $rate.lim$min
## [1] 0
## $rate.lim$max
## [1] Inf
## $root.lim
## $root.lim$min
## [1] -1000
## $root.lim$max
## [1] 1000
## $se.lim
## $se.lim$min
## [1] 0
## $se.lim$max
## [1] Inf
## $constrainJUMP
## [1] 0
## $dlnSHIFT
## function (x)
## sapply(x, function(xi) if (xi %in% yc) y[which(yc == xi)] else NA)
## <bytecode: 0x00000000326a9fb8>
## <environment: 0x000000002cfa2f40>
## $dlnJUMP
## function (x)
## sapply(x, function(xi) if (xi %in% yc) y[which(yc == xi)] else NA)
## <bytecode: 0x00000000326a9fb8>
## <environment: 0x000000002cf9dc98>
## $dlnROOT
## function (x)
## dunif(x, min = con$root.lim$min, max = con$root.lim$max, log = TRUE)
## <bytecode: 0x0000000033b7e2e8>
## <environment: 0x000000002d56a718>
## $dlnRATE
## function (x)
## dexp(x, rate = 1/(10^3), log = TRUE)
## <bytecode: 0x0000000033b79748>
## <environment: 0x000000002d56a718>
## $dlnPULS
## function (x)
## dexp(x, rate = 1/(10^3), log = TRUE)
## <bytecode: 0x0000000033b79748>
## <environment: 0x000000002d56a718>
## $dlnSE
## function (x)
## dexp(x, rate = 1/(10^3), log = TRUE)
## <bytecode: 0x0000000033b79748>
## <environment: 0x000000002d56a718>
## $jump.lim
## [1] 1
## $excludeSHIFT
## $excludeJUMP
## $bm.jump
## [1] 0.5
## $mergesplit.shift
## [1] 0.5
## $tune.scale
## [1] 0.65
## $slide.mult
## [1] 0.25
## $prob.dimension
## [1] 0.65
## $prob.effect
## [1] 0.3
## $prob.root
## [1] 0.02
## $prob.SE
## [1] 0.03
## $prop.width
## [1] 1.5
## $sample.priors
## [1] FALSE
## $simple.start
## [1] TRUE
## $summary
## [1] TRUE
## $beta
## [1] 1
## $filebase
## [1] "smcuqybol"
## $primary.parameter
## [1] "shifts"
## $lik
## likelihood function for relaxed-rates univariate continuous trait evolution
## argument names: rates, root, SE
## definition:
## function (rates, root, SE)
## {
## check.argn(rates, root)
## vv[mm] = rates
## datc_se = datc_init
## var[which(adjvar == 1)] = SE^2
## datc_se$var = var
## datc_se$y[rootidx] = root
## ll = = vv, datc_se)
## return(ll)
## }
## <bytecode: 0x00000000301e0718>
## <environment: 0x000000002d31c5b8>
## NOTE: 'rates' vector should be given in order given by the function 'argn()'
## $model
## [1] "relaxedBM"
## $algo
## [1] "rjmcmc"
## $prop.cs
## dim effect root se
## 0.65 0.95 0.97 1.00
## $n.subprop
## mergesplit rootstate ratetune moveshift ratescale movejump incjump
## 5572 701 5655 4683 2351 0 0
## decjump jumpvar SE
## 0 0 1038
## $n.subaccept
## mergesplit rootstate ratetune moveshift ratescale movejump incjump
## 15 107 807 1491 784 0 0
## decjump jumpvar SE
## 0 0 347
## $parmbase
## [1] "relaxedBM.smcuqybol"
## $parlogger
## function (delta, values = NULL)
## {
## xx = which(delta != 0)
## nd = c(nm[rr], nm[xx])
## if (length(delta) != length(nm))
## stop(paste("Expecting 'delta' of length ", length(nm),
## ".", sep = ""))
## if (is.null(values)) {
## values = delta
## }
## else {
## if (!length(values) == length(delta))
## stop("'delta' and 'values' are mismatched.")
## }
## vv = values[c(rr, xx)]
## ests = paste(nd, vv, collapse = "\t", sep = "\t")
## ests
## }
## <bytecode: 0x000000002e276748>
## <environment: 0x000000002ccb48a8>
## $thin
## [1] 500
## $ngen
## [1] 20000
outdir <- paste("relaxedBM", r, sep=".")
ps <- load.rjmcmc(outdir)
plot(x=ps, par="shifts", burnin=0.25, legend=TRUE, show.tip=FALSE, edge.width=2,type='fan')
## branch shift.direction shift.probability
## 9e9e6f56c19c8c9f957e6077d58fd6cf 84 0 0.00000000
## ba7ea74079079929e17d82684c2b62bd 85 0 0.00000000
## 2ce4bf143fed53bf2b155b0eef7fc0e9 86 0 0.00000000
## 004ac217dd86ef893f9382d3a787eaef 87 0 0.00000000
## 97a9968a581368a986b7c7bad9078fdb 88 0 0.00000000
## f4fef45845bc1d781dcfbfa6b69831ad 89 0 0.00000000
## 603900d7d6c439214c5d6acd83da3d5e 90 0 0.00000000
## 95c2de48b98c17822b5841935c358b76 1 0 0.00000000
## bf8b62ed9e8b10245aa2c355ae08acbf 2 0 0.00000000
## 8ea1316df44bea07ccd8aaf33affeab1 3 0 0.00000000
## 0973b4d527844bb03d7b022ddb210644 4 0 0.00000000
## 91d6c3151ae3eba740750b0975615625 91 0 0.00000000
## 569bc41ab2a37b45e036eb32f8cc726c 92 0 0.00000000
## 0cb7a72d69899366edd15a3d99305360 93 0 0.00000000
## 60f198711d22960e9b986eea14e05ba8 94 0 0.00000000
## e6f6e7b9725804e4b133bc439748a41c 5 0 0.00000000
## 8bf06f2925d0ab96fec9e5f76b623742 95 0 0.00000000
## dd4e455b4916fdf887994e6460209684 6 0 0.00000000
## 9a4c8e7a276ed5b93d359c9f05d6214d 7 0 0.00000000
## 2b8349af4fc2e0355c9aea7aec4ccbdb 8 0 0.00000000
## 656880f1afda9aa525e0676a01c931c5 9 0 0.00000000
## 6b0ef0ee0bdbb5a29cbf4e4ce1de8f05 96 0 0.00000000
## 264d974f4a6a232465fab628db06d2e3 97 0 0.00000000
## 431583761f26dc63ad8a65c3e1014066 98 0 0.00000000
## f4f409705cfbeebed10b25094c7a8bdd 10 0 0.00000000
## 6565d1578c75c75f961edceac12b120b 11 0 0.00000000
## af7240ca03d1fb0a8dd90279d3ff9fb1 12 0 0.00000000
## 576baf5405148ec072fb5cdf8380cea8 13 0 0.00000000
## 3da2aeeedcceade46ad08988e48ed2c2 99 0 0.00000000
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## c1878160be7a5f962469d7878d8fe7ed 143 0 0.00000000
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## d9a70b0089a2bc87e32f3b28b32806ab 144 0 0.00000000
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## 4fffc1c4e83bc3a691098f88cd616ba6 147 0 0.00000000
## ac57cf8d2c470c6c19087db803eae9c7 148 0 0.00000000
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## 05f4d067dec4e85cd3324def026005ba 149 0 0.00000000
## 5c700795497368998fe7ed6afc744ed6 64 0 0.00000000
## ebb2580313c6233d02822a69e564306a 65 0 0.00000000
## 1e039da3165ec5f7d83699c11c0f83a5 150 0 0.00000000
## 41f18d58cb8448f005f578c8bb0c2a12 66 0 0.00000000
## 1baf6058dccd1dc09abd2a8b0ea6f17e 67 0 0.00000000
## 7a8cbde95131ebc383d2546d622901d3 68 0 0.00000000
## 29ac11334461bc059d5b0e177f5d5129 151 0 0.00000000
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## 824893c7e70d576e32428790740336b2 153 0 0.00000000
## 17c2a21ccc426e7c2c9f90f7ae036f6f 154 0 0.00000000
## c6e8bf77689b2a281544a7de2b68b2b7 155 0 0.00000000
## a6efbc1bb4581c63e074939131a0dd57 69 0 0.00000000
## 58be1f0b2a7997ce5d1742574dc47793 156 0 0.00000000
## 42619a887689308e0f3b5a49a043dffe 70 0 0.00000000
## a46c03417feae16030e0fb82f82ca69a 71 0 0.00000000
## 2ae34efc4141fdacf26d52895aed2069 72 0 0.00000000
## a1595d98874906937cffac11a8b7366e 73 0 0.00000000
## b5c6696860f4debb2f2caef531c7770c 157 0 0.00000000
## 541c6d1b4906b2abce12fc3d65176783 158 0 0.00000000
## e67909d62f94990fcf77142dd561fbcb 159 0 0.00000000
## 91f3d57e75e7dce641d65b47ca76ea76 74 0 0.00000000
## 564b5b1be4dcf93ce611d8824d1ecb40 160 0 0.00000000
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## 68c8b67f4d8111eb1af13a412c9d7819 76 0 0.00000000
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## 500c38508cb0d393abd472c506cbe2f9 79 0 0.00000000
## 23b505862258a1437c0e059290ca2c6d 80 0 0.00000000
## e4e19e8484f31d2449b8cc65e1e47627 81 0 0.00000000
## 59537e87050d7ef8f71d5a5fb742a63a 82 0 0.00000000
## median.rates
## 9e9e6f56c19c8c9f957e6077d58fd6cf 0.01485279
## ba7ea74079079929e17d82684c2b62bd 0.01485279
## 2ce4bf143fed53bf2b155b0eef7fc0e9 0.01485279
## 004ac217dd86ef893f9382d3a787eaef 0.01485279
## 97a9968a581368a986b7c7bad9078fdb 0.01485279
## f4fef45845bc1d781dcfbfa6b69831ad 0.01485279
## 603900d7d6c439214c5d6acd83da3d5e 0.01485279
## 95c2de48b98c17822b5841935c358b76 0.01485279
## bf8b62ed9e8b10245aa2c355ae08acbf 0.01485279
## 8ea1316df44bea07ccd8aaf33affeab1 0.01485279
## 0973b4d527844bb03d7b022ddb210644 0.01485279
## 91d6c3151ae3eba740750b0975615625 0.01485279
## 569bc41ab2a37b45e036eb32f8cc726c 0.01485279
## 0cb7a72d69899366edd15a3d99305360 0.01485279
## 60f198711d22960e9b986eea14e05ba8 0.01485279
## e6f6e7b9725804e4b133bc439748a41c 0.01485279
## 8bf06f2925d0ab96fec9e5f76b623742 0.01485279
## dd4e455b4916fdf887994e6460209684 0.01485279
## 9a4c8e7a276ed5b93d359c9f05d6214d 0.01485279
## 2b8349af4fc2e0355c9aea7aec4ccbdb 0.01485279
## 656880f1afda9aa525e0676a01c931c5 0.01485279
## 6b0ef0ee0bdbb5a29cbf4e4ce1de8f05 0.01485279
## 264d974f4a6a232465fab628db06d2e3 0.01485279
## 431583761f26dc63ad8a65c3e1014066 0.01485279
## f4f409705cfbeebed10b25094c7a8bdd 0.01485279
## 6565d1578c75c75f961edceac12b120b 0.01485279
## af7240ca03d1fb0a8dd90279d3ff9fb1 0.01485279
## 576baf5405148ec072fb5cdf8380cea8 0.01485279
## 3da2aeeedcceade46ad08988e48ed2c2 0.01485279
## 6a63add632896bf7d3d528c14ba4d14c 0.01485279
## 25ca9224382b47dd42763ceb57254425 0.01485279
## 40d51a39dbc43b3ba80e91b14cf36d95 0.01514985
## b42807f5ee6d6b0b6a20f88fea16feab 12.58675528
## 36f45dc485575dd799011bbd3b32e63e 0.01514985
## b4965f960ee721b68ea56a26e9237d8d 0.01485279
## 047aa8e63e98f543272170eb0e036fb3 0.01485279
## 92ac903ba89ce37a6d0329d3399c7c36 0.01485279
## ff7637498521a016194681c647dbe9e9 0.01485279
## 9dfb9442f171550122a94f704e73db0f 0.01485279
## a07f786ba39612c433f50d15bfe20304 0.01485279
## 77852d59a89ff60fa6f97c90a9018ffe 0.01485279
## 87ae66a8bc2655f8f411eafe8e6920cb 0.01485279
## 02cabc58f2db0710ee1fd3f8773939c9 0.01485279
## 3fed3a12910ad5828665fcd22bcc4848 0.01485279
## 14ef3a67e511d3bbd57ee52a1ea04eac 0.01485279
## 2fe6778ac111070ee4bdc7d139295a23 0.01485279
## ba4832911e37f1cf41430a03c6ceef5f 0.01485279
## 57d80a343acec3e69bcfbc46dfe9341a 0.01485279
## 8d8042fc58f4d5c157df04d6c10e4e1c 0.01485279
## d3ecc9d765519ea7da9ba6813012d70e 0.01485279
## c04c191dbc1c8b9419997785a3bcce09 0.01485279
## 0a6a7dce1a1191a928e6f9bd089ea331 0.01485279
## bfd581f502d01b7dfd7410275b088617 0.01485279
## 67354635ec5ec66f778820b953cd1540 0.01485279
## 7054ebd2f005e3326fa63bb61e57b884 0.01485279
## 92a54765bdb3903efa5c5f464aa648ec 0.01485279
## 960fb6f7fbf37676c4def46f92e92561 0.01485279
## 42fa18e6a0afc3de663daee528721ed0 0.01485279
## 83b2a2a5a73e11f84f013b6316526c6c 0.01485279
## 87c6d1721e26e0eaf9c8ef863f3b529b 0.01485279
## 6d0ea960023b658217fc3ccff0919755 0.01485279
## fb006c4bc7a286192ca4d43a2bece288 0.01485279
## 52894f3b31688bc8eb9ab5d63a02604e 0.01485279
## 71945eb2c8d49781ea563f9a1ba914ab 0.01485279
## ed693e97b591ab5f6b25ebf9c01a18db 0.01485279
## c3ab933e0e1eee5d950706cbe9b3f8d6 0.01485279
## d6813367d75d6e444779a28d466b9a87 0.01485279
## f7c616f76557208f623500980d91d108 0.01485279
## 9916c107f2cd71d8463ac2d2f840c05b 0.01485279
## 441eab8d21a722fc1cc74f98631a24b4 0.01485279
## 5dd9c024ff99d34c5277810fd103d82e 0.01485279
## ff325966dd9d0f3a1c3821e05917a8d9 0.01485279
## 1ae0f500f6e841545b524cbc8d496ed5 0.01485279
## 6439edc5bd92a66335e99bafcf07ad8d 0.01485279
## 918187102d3365572c59d51db99a464f 0.01485279
## 755cc2aa986d15f548643ba66632f4db 0.01485279
## 02a0b4ad260b7c933c431e6b5b4e8d1d 0.01485279
## 5663a710ebdd340a53b3fe6a35d5e971 0.01485279
## 62f09823ef21ed57d125d676e105cb44 0.01485279
## 12c8a839ca57290722c587672467dfdb 0.01485279
## 499d1845410997d6c732766cb4c786ea 0.01485279
## e10c35a4e314b8b27811ff9b25f3a51a 0.01485279
## 022548499ae362530bf1c4b1a803daaf 0.01485279
## 78e954d36db5f5b6f9e2e93ff93ecec4 0.01485279
## 0ffa3d6a4883f1c6c91e714545aa1ea1 0.01485279
## 3e0d8cbab26f2ee684135baf25a27982 0.01485279
## be56f5bf258a5931dc7421de7737cf5a 0.01485279
## 9a6586721c1d94c0339c49b76bc40120 0.01485279
## 0c6fa5bd7e77ad5fa9d51925e2f4a70f 0.01485279
## 9902dbf078b25aefa62485146ab9a93d 0.01496415
## 89c2c8db45812f43b4d41ef5040a32ed 0.01496415
## 8e77892a4494a82cb88ef298cfffc43e 0.01496415
## 0b6a64daa4e227f5302536091da1b515 0.01496415
## 3e89682c9067b34c74ff50c4b88699f8 0.01496415
## e4b296be23ddbb232c40a7003faa0098 0.01496415
## 300e149ddd44d1673f5f93377b7ae5dc 0.01496415
## 8204cae4dcd001c2f77dcec55f4dd8f9 0.01485279
## b8ee22e4656bec7421347b732a9f29cf 0.01485279
## ec4e1a14d20b7306662a42c2daea951d 0.01485279
## a856a8dbb9f80621d0a42c31a3aabce4 0.01485279
## 883989cb504be968432fc341db70ddc0 0.01485279
## 69693ad89a162354c8a6a0cbe08de7e3 0.01485279
## 9181fd77007c6869eded8548480fa3a7 0.01485279
## c94fe834ab9033aec4f82a85d4940c5b 0.01485279
## f0bd6ff3ed42e4ebf2ee7c60ed9fad8d 0.01485279
## a7d0b17a669a714d98d4a5ffebda167b 0.01485279
## 5251efc6e47c651bcce94c9ea5fb0145 0.01485279
## c5cdb7b7591179ab2ef87f58ca03f02b 0.01485279
## 9e3f3fd9ccc0d37c151343dfb8c1798b 0.01485279
## ee28b018af326ec8f948f38867d379e9 0.01485279
## 3a54efeafddd88bf9a54e12d56cfb3d3 0.01485279
## c09ed9692bff14853c7301c113d71a4e 0.01485279
## b4150c746d3fe184e8b93940c2f2dede 0.01485279
## f988bb267cab0bc73e329c543e24eb38 0.01485279
## 6990f145a8d187917b15fd059a499555 0.01485279
## cadd0753cc08ded56c06480638173cb0 0.01485279
## bce1b5aa8956d47e911daecbcfe6fc55 0.01485279
## c1878160be7a5f962469d7878d8fe7ed 0.01485279
## d00bca2c5e7c6ff7e5c8e3c94b02bdd5 0.01485279
## dc874bb6a84c70fbd13729af46eccb2a 0.01485279
## d9a70b0089a2bc87e32f3b28b32806ab 0.01485279
## 929f5540b4c3a3c94d97b3efe3dfdf05 0.01485279
## f0616b5889ad6a3f494990fb5bb91bb6 0.01485279
## 5daf4de974c85a1c1978169726468e4a 0.01485279
## ec59fe99c41364fd3fa5f3137b5ad381 0.01485279
## 4fffc1c4e83bc3a691098f88cd616ba6 0.01485279
## ac57cf8d2c470c6c19087db803eae9c7 0.01485279
## 0a734a506eafab0ff4f8301f1f7ca37f 0.01485279
## 05f4d067dec4e85cd3324def026005ba 0.01485279
## 5c700795497368998fe7ed6afc744ed6 0.01485279
## ebb2580313c6233d02822a69e564306a 0.01485279
## 1e039da3165ec5f7d83699c11c0f83a5 0.01485279
## 41f18d58cb8448f005f578c8bb0c2a12 0.01485279
## 1baf6058dccd1dc09abd2a8b0ea6f17e 0.01485279
## 7a8cbde95131ebc383d2546d622901d3 0.01485279
## 29ac11334461bc059d5b0e177f5d5129 0.01485279
## cbe83cce090d5cec35cb4652229a5481 0.01485279
## 824893c7e70d576e32428790740336b2 0.01485279
## 17c2a21ccc426e7c2c9f90f7ae036f6f 0.01485279
## c6e8bf77689b2a281544a7de2b68b2b7 0.01485279
## a6efbc1bb4581c63e074939131a0dd57 0.01485279
## 58be1f0b2a7997ce5d1742574dc47793 0.01485279
## 42619a887689308e0f3b5a49a043dffe 0.01485279
## a46c03417feae16030e0fb82f82ca69a 0.01485279
## 2ae34efc4141fdacf26d52895aed2069 0.01485279
## a1595d98874906937cffac11a8b7366e 0.01485279
## b5c6696860f4debb2f2caef531c7770c 0.01485279
## 541c6d1b4906b2abce12fc3d65176783 0.01485279
## e67909d62f94990fcf77142dd561fbcb 0.01485279
## 91f3d57e75e7dce641d65b47ca76ea76 0.01485279
## 564b5b1be4dcf93ce611d8824d1ecb40 0.01485279
## 6f0955bd9c4b2f4924dbf077396b9e6b 0.01485279
## 68c8b67f4d8111eb1af13a412c9d7819 0.01485279
## 4017179115849ff0f3aaa4b44d26eb27 0.01485279
## 3953908561d77fbdba3d5d11b7d6bd41 0.01485279
## be2a2b5fb1a367178f785ce6d62cc639 0.01485279
## 18cc77c7e638fecfe5eb7c7023fe25c6 0.01485279
## 3ce7e59f3d75fbeddcf39402c44549b6 0.01485279
## 500c38508cb0d393abd472c506cbe2f9 0.01485279
## 23b505862258a1437c0e059290ca2c6d 0.01485279
## e4e19e8484f31d2449b8cc65e1e47627 0.01485279
## 59537e87050d7ef8f71d5a5fb742a63a 0.01485279
Fizzgigs are little balls of fur that live in the Endless Forest of the Dark Crystal world. They have four stubby paws that they use to travel short distances but will roll up into a ball for longer journeys They have sharp teeth used for catching and gripping prey and even have a second set of teeth near their uvula. It is said that they have the largest bite radii of the animals in Thra. There is much diversity among the various species of Fizzgigs when considering their bite radii but not much is known how this diversity came to be.
We’re going to try and fit various evolutionary models to a phylogenetic tree of Fizzgigs to see how their bite radii might have evolved
to read in the tree titled fizzgig.tre
. This file can be found in the data folder of this tutorial:
function to read in the data set called fizzgig_data.csv
. NOTE there are two columns in this data set, one labeled bite
that contains the bit radii and another labeled type
. For now we’ll only need the bite
to fit various evolutionary models and compare their AICs. Which model fit best? What are the maximum likelihood estimates for that model?Now, let us suppose some of these Fizzgigs had different diets and that some are insectivores and others are avivores (eats birds). If we believed that these diets affected their bite radii evolution, how would we model it?
information of the fizzgig_data.csv
to make a simmap of how their diets may have evolved over time.OUwie()
along with the simmap to test out various multiple-state models. Which fits the best and what might this say about their diets?