
Required for practicals


The second half of the course will involve hands-on tutorials for methods in macroevolution. We will ensure that everyone has the necessary software installed before this part of the course begins.

Required Software

R and Rstudio

Detailed instructions for installing R and Rstudio can be found in the Getting Started tutorial for this course. The primary tools we will use are:

  1. Download and R for your operating system:
  2. We recommend using RStudio as your interactive development environment for R.
Text editor

Everyone should have a good text editor. Here are some that we recommend:

  • VS Code (Linux, Windows, Mac OSX)
  • Sublime Text (Linux, Windows, Mac OSX)
  • Atom (Linux, Windows, Mac OSX)
  • BBEdit (Mac OSX)
  • Notepad++ (Windows)
  • Of course Vim/vi or Emacs are great (if that is your thing)